The OPEN MOUTH Hamburg Food Festival 2024 was so beautiful!
Impressionen 2024
An unforgettable afternoon
The ingredients of OPEN MOUTH!
Five central levels create a multifaceted and inspiring experience.
OPEN MOUTH Hamburg Food Festival
THE DATE IS SET: September 04 - 07, 2025
365 days of enjoyment!
What's going on in Hamburg?
OPEN MOUTH is a vibrant platform that connects people all year round through food, culture and community. We celebrate the diversity of culinary traditions, bring the international diversity of Hamburg's cuisines to life and create space for exchange about sustainable nutrition, culinary art and the stories behind our food.

Our aim is to enrich not only the palate, but also the mind. That's why we offer events, educational programs and interactive formats throughout the year. In this way, we promote direct exchange between producers and consumers and raise awareness of high-quality, sustainable food.

The big highlight of OPEN MOUTH is our annual Food Festival,** where we celebrate the full spectrum of culinary creativity. Here, people from different cultures come together to enjoy, learn and be inspired. The festival is the culmination of our year-round commitment and brings all the elements of OPEN MOUTH together in one place.

OPEN MOUTH strengthens Hamburg's profile as a dynamic and cosmopolitan culinary metropolis and brings its culinary diversity to life for locals and visitors alike. In this way, we position Hamburg as an attractive destination for food lovers and create authentic experiences that inspire visitors and invite them to return.
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The Open Mouth Festival was a complete success, leaving me open-mouthed with amazement, laughter, singing and tasting delicious food and now looking forward to next year.
Christin Siegemund, foodlab
The Open Mouth Festival has laid the foundation for more intensive cooperation in the food sector, shown that sustainability, regionality and food innovations attract a great deal of attention in Hamburg, and moved people to think and act. With these insights, we are now highly motivated to start planning the Open Mouth Festival 2024.
Thomas Sampl, Hobenköök
The great ideas and energy of the participating producers, manufacturers and restaurateurs have shown many people what regional cooperation between agriculture and gastronomy can look like. We look forward to integrating further networks from the food & beverage community.
Axel Ohm, Überquell
We are overwhelmed by the positive vibes we have experienced throughout Hamburg. The city has shown a strong community in the areas of food, gastronomy, drinks and regional producers. The response in the first year exceeded our expectations and shows the enormous potential for the future. We are delighted that the participants received the appreciation they deserved.
Patrick Rüther - tellerrand consulting
For the first time, the Open Mouth Festival has brought together a large number of players and initiatives from Hamburg's food scene under one roof. This community inspires us to make Hamburg visible as a food city. We would like to thank everyone who has made the start with us and shown such strong commitment to Hamburg.
Michael Otremba, Hamburg Tourismus GmbH