Cecilia: Welcome Beni! Thank you very much for taking the time for this interview. Can you tell us a bit about Sustainable Sip and how the idea for it came about?

Beni: With pleasure! Sustainable Sip is an initiative that connects the bar scene in Hamburg with regional agriculture. The idea arose from the desire to focus on sustainable enjoyment and support the local economy at the same time. We wanted to show that it is possible to create delicious drinks from regional products and protect the environment at the same time.

Cecilia: That sounds like a great concept! How does the whole thing work and what can guests expect?

Beni: During the Open Mouth Food Festival, we invited the best bars in the city to create sustainable drinks using DEICHKISTE products. Guests can taste and rate these drinks over a period of four weeks in August and September. It's a wonderful opportunity to discover new taste experiences and do something good for the environment at the same time.

Cecilia: What happens on the last day of the festival?

Beni: On the last day of the festival, we crown the best drink at foodlab Hamburg. It's a big event, accompanied by media teams and celebrated on social media. This highlight is not only a reward for the bars, but also a celebration of sustainable enjoyment and creativity. It is also an annual invitation to new bars to join the movement.

Cecilia: How have the bars and guests reacted to the initiative so far?

Beni: The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. The bars are enthusiastic about the challenge of working with regional products and the guests love the variety and fresh taste of the drinks. Many have told us that they think it's great that they can contribute to a more sustainable future by taking part.

Cecilia: What role does Hobenköök play in this project?

Beni: Hobenköök is a key partner for us. They supply the regional products that the bars use to create their drinks. Through this partnership, we can ensure that the ingredients are fresh and sustainable and that we support local agriculture. It's a win-win situation for everyone involved.

Cecilia: What are your plans for the future of Sustainable Sip?

Beni: We want to continue to grow Sustainable Sip and involve more bars and partners every year. Our goal is to expand the movement to other cities and get even more people excited about sustainability. We firmly believe that small steps can lead to big changes.

Cecilia: That sounds fantastic, Beni. Thank you for talking to us and good luck with Sustainable Sip!
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