Auftakt Faire Woche 2024 Hamburg
Panel, Education, Society, Producer
Auftakt Faire Woche 2024 Hamburg
The cultivation of coffee and cocoa beans is often characterized by precarious working conditions, poverty and environmental degradation. Approaches to improving these conditions based on the voluntary commitment of companies have largely failed. New regulations, such as the European Supply Chain Act or the EU Regulation on the Prevention of Deforestation, now require companies to guarantee human rights and environmental protection in their supply chains.

How successful are these regulations and laws in practice, and do they potentially have unintended negative consequences for producers? Can the new regulations ensure greater transparency and what role can fair trade play in this?

As part of the Open Mouth Food Festival at the start of Fair Trade Week, the Fair Trade City of Hamburg invites you to a discussion about the opportunities, risks and limits of new regulations in the agricultural sector. Evelyn Bahn (INKOTA network), Christoph Kleine (el rojito GmbH) and Dr. Christoph Kubitza (German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)) will be taking part.

The event will be moderated by Gertrud Falk (FIAN).
Festival (Oberhafen)
13.09.2024 17:00
- 13.09.2024 20:00
Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
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