Bambi ist ein A*loch!
Bambi ist ein A*loch!
Bambi is cute, the great white shark is dangerous, you're not allowed to cut down trees and hunters are
bad people because they shoot animals, isn't that obvious? Or is it
isn't it?
People often think in black and white, want simple and quick answers
and quickly form their own opinion. But unfortunately we are very often wrong. Why
we should learn that we are not allowed to have an opinion.

Lars Hermes, founder of the non-profit organizations "Aktion Baum" and "Waldkicker", has been able to get to know many things that have completely surprised me and that have shown me that I have very often thought completely wrongly or differently. It showed me very clearly that we often think wrongly and make judgments far too quickly before we know enough facts. With my presentation, I open people's eyes, encourage them to think and talk straight about the forest and sustainability. I am delighted to be able to present this to the guests at Open Mouth.
Festival (Oberhafen)
15.09.2024 15:15
- 15.09.2024 15:45
Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
Lars Hermes
Founder and Managing Director of:
Aktion Baum - Non-Profit Organization
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