BLICK - The Westin Hamburg
BLICK - The Westin Hamburg
We create unique experiences, an orchestra for all the senses: BLICK is the fusion of day and night. Find your favorite destination while exploring on the 8th floor of The Westin Hamburg, high above the rooftops of the Elbe metropolis. The Westin Hamburg is located directly in the iconic Elbphilharmonie with a breathtaking view of the industrial harbor, the Elbe panorama and the vibrant port city.

BLICK inspires with exciting drinks inspired by music. The focus is on the aesthetics of the drinks and the quality of the ingredients. Various cocktails are served to match the location and the fascinating view. Classics and special signature drinks created by our bar manager dominate the menu. Enjoy the sunset, order your favorite drink and let yourself be pampered in our bar.
- 16.09.2024
Platz Der Deutschen Einheit 2, 20457 Hamburg
Ähnliche Veranstaltungen
12.09.2024 - 16.09.2024
Platz Der Deutschen Einheit 2, 20457 Hamburg
BLICK - The Westin Hamburg
12.09.2024 - 16.09.2024
Harkortstraße 81, 22765 Hamburg
Eat & Drink
Knollen-Kuss im ELMA
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