Essen, Liebe, Lachen
Culture, Eat & Drink, Society
Essen, Liebe, Lachen
Welcome to a special culinary experience! At our "Food, Love and Laughter" panel, you can expect exciting conversations, personal stories and, of course, lots of fun around the topic of food. Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of three inspiring women who express their passion for food and community in very different ways.

Klara Lange - The Hamburg-born actress is known from the cult series "Die Discounter", where she had her breakthrough as Pina in 2021. In addition to her acting career, she is also musically active.

Christin Siegemund - As the founder of the foodlab in Hamburg, Christin has created a unique place for foodies that serves as a culinary hotspot and network for up to 80 companies.

Franziska Heinemann-Schulte - On her Instagram account "TasteHamburg", Franziska shares her passion for Hamburg's gastronomy scene by sharing her culinary discoveries and experiences with her followers.
Festival (Oberhafen)
15.09.2024 14:00
Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
Klara Lange developed an early interest in music and acting and, after completing high school, attended the School for Acting in Hamburg, where she now lives.

In 2021, after a few smaller roles on television and in theater, she landed her first leading role as deputy store manager Pina in the successful mockumentary series “Die Discounter.” The series quickly became a cult hit and won awards such as the Ensemble Prize at the German Acting Awards and the “Blauer Panther” in the Streaming category. The fourth season is set to premiere later this year on Prime Video.

Meanwhile, she has appeared in the hit comedy series Jerks, as well as the recent ZDF film Alle nicht ganz dicht, and will soon be seen in Tatort. Additionally, she produces music for short films and is currently working on a new music project.
Photo Credit: Sasha Ilushina
Christin Siegemund, a Hamburg native and foodie, is the creator behind the foodlab. The marketing and communications graduate would not have built foodlab in any other city than her own, and in 2020 she created a place for foodies to work, cook, network, develop, produce and taste. With success: today, up to 80 companies belong to the foodlab community.
Franziska Heinemann-Schulte was born in Hamburg, holds a degree in business administration and is a passionate restaurant-goer.

She enthusiastically shares her culinary experiences on her Instagram account "TasteHamburg". Whether new openings, favorite places, fine dining, street food or down-to-earth coziness, atmosphere, playfulness and the stories behind it, everything is illuminated, personally described and photographed by herself.
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