Honeyland by GreenFood Festival
Education, Society
Honeyland by GreenFood Festival
Honeyland is an award-winning documentary that tells the extraordinary story of Hatidze Muratova, a beekeeper living in the remote mountains of North Macedonia. The film was directed by Ljubomir Stefanov and Tamara Kotevska and won several awards at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival, including the Grand Jury Prize and the Special Jury Award for Cinematography.


Honeyland follows the simple but fascinating life of Hatidze, who lives with her sick mother in a remote village without electricity or running water. Hatidze practices a sustainable form of beekeeping, where she leaves half of the honey for the bees to preserve the balance of nature. However, her peaceful life is turned upside down when a nomadic family moves into her neighboring village and begins to raise bees uncontrollably. The resulting conflicts between traditional wisdom and modern greed impressively demonstrate the fragility of the ecosystem and the challenges of environmental protection.

Themes and meaning

Honeyland is more than just a documentary about beekeeping. It sheds light on profound themes such as sustainability, environmental awareness and the complex relationship between humans and nature. The film is a visually stunning and emotionally moving portrait of a woman who lives in harmony with nature and whose wisdom and perseverance are inspiring.
Festival (Oberhafen)
15.09.2024 18:30
- 15.09.2024 22:00
Stockmeyerstraße 41, 20457 Hamburg
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