HYGGE the farm - Workshop
Workshop, Education, Producer
HYGGE the farm - Workshop
HYGGE the farm will once again be part of the Open Mouth Food Festival in 2024. This year there is the opportunity to take part in a farm workshop. Would you like to learn exciting things from the gardeners on the farm and have a great time in our green oases? Then sign up for this farm workshop. Specifically, it's about creating a natural garden in harmony with people and nature. The following questions and topics are on the program from 12:00 to 15:30:

- How do I work with the cycles of nature?
- What is a mixed culture? Carrots love onions, bees love thyme, apple trees love nettles...
- Benefits for people and nature
- Benefit can also be beauty
- How do I design a "Tunichtvielgarten"?
- Time for your questions

69€ per person incl. snack & drink

Adult event, explicitly for herb and vegetable fans. Maximum 12 participants
Good Action (all over Hamburg)
15.09.2024 12:00
- 15.09.2024 15:30
Cordsstraße 5-9, 22609 Hamburg
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