Kräuterwanderung @foodlab
Education, Producer
Kräuterwanderung @foodlab
Together we look at what can be found in the meadow, how the plants can be recognized and what effect they have on us when we eat them. Focusing on wild herbs guarantees many astonished and surprised faces and shining eyes when we discover the treasures of nature. Lilly takes the children into the world of wild greenery and through the Hafencity in a child-friendly way, peppered with funny stories.

After the hike, we go into the kitchen and devote ourselves to preparing wild herb quark and butter: it tastes twice as good, especially when there are also colorful flowers in it.

And if you still have energy after the meal, you can keep the creativity flowing: whether it's sticking a wild herb business card or printing plants on a fabric bag - the result is guaranteed to be unique and the perfect souvenir.

About Lilli:
My name is Lilli Albrecht and I live with my family in the cosmopolitan city of Hamburg.
Wild herbs have been with me since my childhood: I often had to look for a plantain leaf outside because my scraped knee had become infected again. But this was forgotten for a long time.
So after school, I made a foray into conventional medicine and trained as a nurse, but this didn't completely fulfill me. After studying to be a teacher, I worked at a state school for almost 10 years and herbs didn't play a major role here either, but with the birth of my offspring, the desire for gentle remedies and methods for colds, injuries etc. grew (finally) and so the local plants came back into play. It is now with great pleasure that I dedicate myself professionally to the old and new knowledge of plants, their effects and uses and would like to pass this on to people of all ages as a wild herb educator.
Good Action (all over Hamburg)
13.09.2024 10:00
- 13.09.2024 13:00
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