Let's Talk Honey
Let's Talk Honey
🐝 Let's Talk Honey: promoting biodiversity in the city 🌼
On Sunday, from 17:30 - 18:15, as part of the GREEN FOOD FESTIVAL, we will be discussing ways to support biodiversity in urban areas. What can we do specifically in our cities to protect bees and other pollinators and make our environment more sustainable?
Join this important discussion and learn how even small actions in the city can make a big difference for biodiversity.
📅 Join us and let's make the future of our cities more bee-friendly together! [Link to registration]
#OPENMOUTH #GreenFoodFestival #Diversity #ProtectingBees #Sustainability #UrbanGardening
On Sunday, from 17:30 - 18:15, as part of the GREEN FOOD FESTIVAL, we will be discussing ways to support biodiversity in urban areas. What can we do specifically in our cities to protect bees and other pollinators and make our environment more sustainable?
Join this important discussion and learn how even small actions in the city can make a big difference for biodiversity.
📅 Join us and let's make the future of our cities more bee-friendly together! [Link to registration]
#OPENMOUTH #GreenFoodFestival #Diversity #ProtectingBees #Sustainability #UrbanGardening
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