Livepodcast mit Maja Mogwitz & Special Guest
Panel, Education
Livepodcast mit Maja Mogwitz & Special Guest
31-year-old farmer Maja Mogwitz grew up on an arable farm in the Hanover region of Lower Saxony, studied agricultural science and has worked on farms in India, Peru, Argentina and Indonesia, among other places. In the coming years, she will take over her parents' farm. In her podcast Jung & Landwirtin (Young & Farmer), she deals with modern agriculture today. Her guests are often young people or companies from the sector who play their part in ensuring that we have a huge selection of high-quality food every day. As a farmer herself, she has a special perspective on topics such as sustainability, food security, animal welfare, food trends, consumer wishes, niches, new paths, political goals and traditions.
Have fun experiencing it live and listening in. Criticism and questions are always welcome.
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21.08.2024 16:00
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Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
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