Society, Education
Generations in dialog - cooking pasta together and more at the OPEN MOUTH Hamburg Food Festival
Immerse yourself in a special event at the OPEN MOUTH Hamburg Food Festival that connects generations and builds bridges between young and old. In our unique panel "OLL INKLUSIV: Generations in Dialogue", Mitra Kassai, Philipp Zitterbart and a señorita will meet to talk about the integration and participation of people 60+ in our society - and cook pasta together with a kettle!

Date: 15.09.2024
Time: 17:00-17:30
Place: Open House - Oberhafen
Panel Speaker:

OLL INKLUSIV creates a vibrant network that is open to all people aged 60 and over. The initiative shows how seniors can be integrated into the digital and analog world and how they can actively participate in current events. Mitra Kassai describes her motivation as follows:

"I have been involved in several senior residences for years. I take an incredible amount from the conversations for my own thoughts and actions. Because when I talk to people about their condition and their memories, about their professions and goals, hobbies and passions, I learn every time what is really important in life.

Anyone who would like to support this initiative can do so with a donation:


Recipient: Oll Inklusiv gUG
IBAN: DE30 2005 0550 1042 236750
Festival (Oberhafen)
15.09.2024 17:00
- 17:30
Stockmeyerstraße 41, 20457 Hamburg
Mitra Kassai, founder of the non-profit Hamburg initiative OLL INKLUSIV, has been passionately committed to the integration of seniors & senioritas into social life for years. With her touching stories and experiences, she shows how important the exchange between the generations is and how much we can learn from each other.
Philipp Zitterbart, 35, is a charismatic chef with a diverse career that ranges from running his own restaurants to gastro consulting. He has been a content creator and recipe developer on Chefkoch for four years, where he shares his love of Italian and Mediterranean cuisine. As a dedicated father of two children, he skillfully manages the balance between work and family. Philipp is known for his uncomplicated cooking style and his love of outdoor cooking, which underlines his authentic and passionate personality.
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