Health Food x Green Food
Health Food x Green Food
Regenerative, climate protection, green genetic engineering - how do they go together?

Sophie Wolters
Sophie Wolters has been the head of the Slow Food Convivium Hamburg since 2023 and has been active in the international association since 2009. Together with other activists, she campaigns for good, clean, fair food for everyone. In northern Germany, she co-founded Slow Food Youth Lübeck more than a year ago and organizes producer visits to fields and kitchens. She is well networked with other food policy associations and is co-hosting the Slow Food Youth Academy in Blunk this year.

Felix Riecken, Rieckens Eichhof
Trained & studied organic farmer / ecosystem economist, farm manager Rieckens Eichhof with practical experience in agroforestry, dairy cattle farming, cultivation of edible mushrooms, vegetable growing, education for sustainable development, sustainability management and regional direct marketing

Dr. David Spencer
David Spencer completed his doctorate in molecular plant physiology at RWTH Aachen University. In addition to his research, he is active as a podcaster, science slammer and author in the field of sustainable agriculture. In spring 2022, his book "Alles bio - logisch?!" was published by Droemer Knaur Verlag. In the same year, David Spencer received the SciComm Award from the German Botanical Society. As a board member of "Öko-Progressives Netzwerk e. V." and the "Progressive Agrarwende" initiative, he continues to drive the discourse on modern plant breeding in Germany as a center of science.
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15.09.2024 12:00
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