Hamburgs längster Cuppingtisch
Tasting, Workshop, Eat & Drink
Hamburgs längster Cuppingtisch
What exactly is cupping? It is a professional tasting method,
which makes it possible to discover and evaluate the different aromas, flavors and nuances of a coffee.
and evaluate them. New varieties are tasted at Hamburg's longest cupping table
from Elbgold Röstkaffee and Black Delight Kaffeerösterei. And not only experts can take part.

How important specialty coffee, direct trade and keeping the focus on the product are for sustainable coffee enjoyment.
focus on the product during roasting will be addressed and explained by our experts in addition to the sensory
level, our experts will also address and explain.

Sebastian Kohrs, PLOTCOFEE, and Karl Sander, Black Delight Kaffeerösterei, will lead through the cupping.

For the 20 exclusive seats at the cupping table we need your pre-registration. Beyond that
there is enough space in the "Erste Liebe Studio" for other interested people

After the cupping, all coffees are also available in 250gr tasting packs.
Festival (Oberhafen)
15.09.2024 12:00
- 15.09.2024 13:00
Stockmeyerstraße 41, 20457 Hamburg
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Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
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21.09.2024 - 15.09.2024
Oberhafenbrücke , 20457 Hamburg
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Stockmeyerstraße , 20457 Hamburg
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