Stevan Paul & Guests
Eat & Drink, Education, Society
Stevan Paul & Guests
Sunday, September 15, Oberhafenquartier OPEN HOUSE, 2 - 3 p.m.

Cookbook City Hamburg: How cookbooks are created and become successful.
A talk with and about the Hamburg cookbook scene

Over coffee, cake and cold drinks, Tina Olufs, owner of the Koch Kontor bookshop, and cookbook author and food journalist Stevan Paul will talk to Hamburg cookbook creators about their work.

A talk with the photographers and interior stylists Maria Grossmann and Vanessa Maas, Denise Wachter (head of the STERN Genuss department, cookbook author) and Benjamin Cordes (initiator of the Kaisergranat cookbook blog and German Cookbook Prize).

Presented by Open Mouth, Koch Kontor Hamburg and Kaiserhappen - the agency for culinary craftsmanship.

And immediately afterwards:
Food bloggers & influencers from Hamburg - from blog to TikTok
a short history of the food blog scene

Host and presenter Stevan Paul is himself one of the most successful food bloggers in the German-speaking world. He talks to his guests about the development and transformation of the food blog scene. On the podium: Conny Wagner (, Franziska Heinemann Schulte (, Oliver Wagner ( and Phillip Zitterbart (@philippzitterbart on TikTok and Instagram)

Presented by Open Mouth and Kaiserhappen - the agency for culinary craftsmanship.

Picture Stevan Paul: (c) Vivi D'Angelo
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