Teeangst: Das Komplizierte Getränk?
Eat & Drink, Education
Teeangst: Das Komplizierte Getränk?
Tea anxiety: the complicated drink?

Panel participants:
Aina Scheuring
Olaf Tarmas
Arne Holzapfel
Jürgen Pitzschel

Panel procedure (50 minutes)

1. welcome and introduction (5 minutes)
Moderation: Introduction of the panelists and introduction to the topic of the panel (All)

2. myth-busting around tea (10 minutes)
Discussion: Each panelist briefly names and clarifies a common myth about tea (All)

3. all-round view of tea: varieties and qualities (10 minutes)
What is good tea?: Brief explanation of the criteria for high-quality tea (All)
Discounter tea vs. specialist tea: comparison of the differences in quality and production (All)
Interactive element: Short presentation of discount tea vs. tea from specialist shops on trays, which are passed around the audience during the presentation

4. tea as a stimulant and alternative to alcohol (5 minutes)
Presentation: Discussion of how tea serves as an alcohol-free alternative in social contexts (Aina Scheuring)

5. tea from a seasonal perspective: Summer vs. winter (5 minutes)
Versatility of tea: Discussion of the use of tea in summer (iced tea) and winter (hot drink)

6. tea preparation techniques (10 minutes)
Presentation and demonstration: Brief explanation and demonstration of different tea preparation methods, emphasized by practical examples

7. questions and discussion (5 minutes)
Interaction: Q&A session where the audience can briefly ask questions

8. conclusion and outlook (3 minutes)
Summary: Key findings (All) and trends with a view to the tea magazine (Olaf Tarmas)
Invitation to the tea tasting: Announcement and distribution of tickets for the additional tasting in the kitchen.
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