Von der Fischkiste zur Nachhaltigkeit
Eat & Drink, Education
Von der Fischkiste zur Nachhaltigkeit
From the fish box to sustainability: innovation panel at the Open Mouth Hamburg Food Festival
Join us for an inspiring discussion on the future of the sustainable fish trade. In our exciting panel "From fish box to sustainability", leading experts will meet to present ideas and practical solutions for responsible fish consumption.

Date: 14.09.2024
Time: 15:00 - 15:30
Location: Community Stage - Oberhafen

Panel Speaker
Arne Schultchen, founder and creative lead of design for human nature, and his team have been developing interdisciplinary design solutions for a more humane, sustainable living environment for 30 years - from brand development to architectural projects. The "dfhn" studio impresses with its innovative and holistic approaches, from the iconic Astra heart anchor to the successful digital retail model teo and the world's most sustainable fish box.

Andreas Reinhardt, Managing Director of Frisch Gefischt, runs a company that is characterized by innovative approaches to sustainable fishing and distribution. Andreas shares his expertise on the challenges and successes of implementing sustainability strategies in fishing and logistics.
Learn first-hand how collaboration between design and practice can help shape the future of fish consumption. Our experts will discuss innovative packaging solutions, environmentally friendly fishing methods and the importance of conscious consumption.
Festival (Oberhafen)
14.09.2024 15:00
- 14.09.2024 15:30
Stockmeyerstraße 43, 20457 Hamburg
Arne Schultchen, founder and creative lead of design for human nature, and his team have been developing interdisciplinary design solutions for a more humane, sustainable living environment for 30 years - from brand development to architectural projects. The "dfhn" studio impresses with its innovative and holistic approaches, from the iconic Astra heart anchor to the successful digital retail model teo and the world's most sustainable fish box.
Andreas Reinhardt, Managing Director of Frisch Gefischt, runs a company that is characterized by innovative approaches to sustainable fishing and distribution. Andreas shares his expertise on the challenges and successes of implementing sustainability strategies in fisheries and logistics.
Learn first-hand how collaboration between design and practice can help shape the future of fish consumption. Our experts will discuss innovative packaging solutions, environmentally friendly fishing methods and the importance of conscious consumption.
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