🌟 Best Commitment Award

Robert Aliaga Schwarz from HASPA has gone above and beyond his professional role to support the Open Mouth Hamburg Food Festival. Through his commitment and support with HaspaJoker, he has made an important contribution to promoting the festival. 💬 "This project deserves to be supported!"

🍽️ Best Good Action Award

Julia Bode (Witwenball) & Stevan Paul (German food stylist, journalist and author) - Culinary reading
A unique decentralized event! Julia Bode and bestselling author Stevan Paul delighted the audience with a special reading and a 3-course menu. Stevan read from his new book "The Chickpeas of Señora Dolores" and took the guests on a literary and culinary journey.

🌱 Best Sustainable Sip Award

Botanic District - sustainable bar movement
Hamburg's bar scene focused on sustainability this year! Several bars developed special drinks from regional products. After two weeks of tasting and judging, the Botanic District Bar was named the best sustainable bar for its innovative approach.

The OPEN MOUTH team would like to thank you for your commitment. 🙏
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