Die Zutaten von OPEN MOUTH!
Five central levels create a multifaceted and inspiring experience.
Open Mouth is a platform built on five central levels to create a multi-faceted and inspiring experience for visitors from all over the world. Each level represents an essential aspect of human life and promotes the integration of community, culture, growers & producers, education and food and drink. Open Mouth is more than a series of events; it is a platform that brings people together to celebrate, learn, share and co-create a world of diversity and inspiration.

# Culture

From rousing music and impressive street art to entertaining entertainment, comedy, gaming and sophisticated literature as well as sports, we offer a wide range of cultural experiences.

# Education

We want to continuously enrich the educational landscape in Hamburg. We raise awareness of sustainability and the environment through panels/workshops. We also support creative minds and start-ups.

# Society

We are actively committed to sustainability and focus on collaborations, charity projects and social inclusion through smart policies.

Producers & Producers

Together with local farmers, farmers' markets, wineries and breweries, coffee roasters, cheese producers and dairies as well as fisheries, we make sustainability and ecological principles tangible.

# Food & Drink**
We shape the culinary and hospitable face of our city with our diverse gastronomy and first-class hotels. And invite tourists from all over the world.
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